
Social Bookmarking

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Here's a new way to maximize the use of all those Bookmarks you've created and added to your Browser and Online Social Networking sites. It's called Diigo.com and it's FREE.

What Can We Learn from Kids?

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There are all too many kids these days that are not eating healthy. Candy, Sugar Cereal, drinking Jolt and Redbull etc. Here's an 11 year old's perspective on how to shop and eat healthy. Using the Flip Video camera, this is what we were able to get on film. This could truly be the new and best way to really "Watch What You Eat!"

HitTail - Inside Secrets on SEO

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HitTail claims to be the easiest way to drive more qualified traffic to your Website. This video shows details of how HitTail works and how to use their site effectively. This is a great alternative to pay per click if you like SEO. Get suggestive keywords for your site for FREE.

"Analytics for the rest of us."
- PC World

"To be a click magnet, a blog should study how it got its past hits."
- BusinessWeek