is a fantastic on-line Photo presentation for those of us on the go! It features what many other programs charge a fee to have. You can upload photos from your computer, your cell, or off any online photo storage folder. In other words, you are unlimited as to where you can access and pull your photos from.

You can also select slide transitions, add overlay text, introductions and photo captions, and there is quite a bit of music there to select from. Many styles, assortments and options, yet very simple.

The average time it takes to produce a "PhotoShow" is about 5 minutes or less, and of course it's FREE! You can also email to contacts from your Outlook and other email databases! It is great!

Techknowbabble is rating PhotoShow a 9 out of 10.

TechKnowBabble Copyright 2007
This is a great tool for use in Real Estate. You can now show your open house times and locations, community events, functions you're involved with publically, and much more. You can also use Google Calendar for your private use, whether personal, business, or pleasure. The Calendars features are simple, and Google provides a widget that can be added right to your Blog or Website. Imagine a community calendar that drove people to your internet presence. What if you travel, and your office or assistants could be managing your appointments. Maybe it's just for personal and recreational use. How about all the open homes in an area and the times posted.These are obviously just a few ideas on ways you can use Google Calendar to your benefit. Here is a live version of the mapping by Google Calendar. There is a button available so that others can access your online calendar when you don't want to display the full view.
It's FREE, it's easy, and it's just another way to stay in front of your clients and community with valuable and useful information. TechKnowBabble is Rating Google Calendar 8 out of 10.

Customize Google Maps
Google Earth
TechKnowBabble Copyright 2007

Frappr maps can give Web site owners and visitors an easy and unique way to visualize and interact with each other. Visitors can add their name, photo and message directly on a website embedded with Frappr, and the Web site or Blog owner gets real-time stats on where visitors are coming from and how often they visit. Frappr is absolutely free and can be placed on any Web page, Blog or online community that supports flash embedding. According to Frappr, it is the fourth largest mapping service just behind Mapquest, Yahoo Maps and Google Maps.
Join the TechKnowBabble network of Friends and Family, or feel free to Join Frappr, and create your own map for your Website or Blog. We think this is a pretty cool tool and it's very popular among the College Campus communities. TechKnowBabble is rating Frappr an 8 out of 10.
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Related Links:
Customize Google Maps
Google Earth
TechKnowBabble Copyright 2007